And we're off! Polls open across UK as millions prepare to vote in the general election… after Rishi Sunak issues 11th-hour plea against handing Keir Starmer unchecked power – amid warnings Labour will 'target pensioners, drivers, savers and homeowners'

Polls have opened across the UK in today’s general election after Rishi Sunak made an 11th-hour plea for voters to prevent a ‘socialist supermajority’ wrecking Britain.

From 7am until 10pm, millions of Britons will head to polling stations to cast their vote in the first Westminster contest since 2019.

A series of opinion polls in the run-up to today have shown Labour on course for a huge landslide win.

But the Prime Minister, who called the general election six weeks ago, has warned voters against handing Sir Keir Starmer unchecked power.

The Tory leader continued his campaigning against a Labour ‘socialist supermajority’ with a series of overnight social media posts right up until polls opening.

He has repeatedly warned about Sir Keir hiking taxes should he enter power and claimed Labour will raid workers, savers, homeowners, pensioners and drivers.

In his final campaign rally last night, the PM admitted he was the ‘underdog’ but vowed: ‘This underdog will fight to the final whistle.’

Mr Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty voted early this morning at Kirby Sigston Village Hall in his Richmond and Northallerton constituency in Yorkshire.

Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty arrived to cast their vote at Kirby Sigston Village Hall in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, this morning

The PM, who called the general election six weeks ago, has warned voters against handing Sir Keir Starmer unchecked power

The PM, who called the general election six weeks ago, has warned voters against handing Sir Keir Starmer unchecked power

The Tory leader continued his campaigning against a Labour 'socialist supermajority' with a series of overnight social media posts right up until polls opening

The Tory leader continued his campaigning against a Labour ‘socialist supermajority’ with a series of overnight social media posts right up until polls opening

From 7am until 10pm, millions of Britons will head to polling stations to cast their vote in the first Westminster contest since 2019

From 7am until 10pm, millions of Britons will head to polling stations to cast their vote in the first Westminster contest since 2019

Polling officials place signs around a polling station ahead of opening, beside Battersea Power Station in London

Polling officials place signs around a polling station ahead of opening, beside Battersea Power Station in London

Writing in the Daily Mail today, Mr Sunak urged disaffected Tory voters considering staying at home today or voting for Reform UK to lend their votes to the Conservatives again to stop Sir Keir.

Mr Sunak acknowledged that people are ‘frustrated with me, with our party’ after a tough period in which Britain has been hit by Covid and the fallout from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

But he warned that todays’ election will have ‘lasting consequences’ if it produces a landslide which would embolden Labour to raise taxes ‘even further’.

‘I need your vote to defend our vision of Britain: to back lower taxes, controlled borders and a secure future for our country,’ the PM wrote.

‘Join with us and we can make a difference and stop the socialist supermajority.’

Polls suggest that up to half the voters who backed the Conservatives in 2019 could desert them today, with some backing Reform, some staying at home and others even backing the Lib Dems or Labour.

Mr Sunak pointed to analysis suggesting that as few as 130,000 voters in key seats could change the course of the election, and said that a ‘huge number of seats in this election will be decided by a few hundred votes’.

In his final campaign speech last night, Mr Sunak said his experience as a Southampton football fan had taught him ‘that the game isn’t over until the final whistle goes and that there’s fight in the underdog’.

Labour were last night accused of secretly plotting a raid on council tax after their Treasury deputy-in-waiting said he understands the ‘frustration’ of not making richer people pay more.

Darren Jones, in line to be number two at the Treasury under a Labour government, told a constituency meeting in Bristol in May the current system was ‘very out of date’, blaming a ‘capitalist democracy’.

As one of the 17 taxes Labour have been unable to rule out, shadow minsters have been repeatedly pushed on their plans to reevaluate council tax but have failed to say they would not raise the tax.

The party has only ruled out increases to income tax, national insurance and VAT – but has refused to explicitly rule out any others.

But Mr Jones, currently shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, said that Labour would not be elected if they suggested a revaluation of the charge, a leaked recording of the meeting reveals.

Asked whether those in homes worth more than a million pounds should pay more, he told the meeting he ‘gets the frustration’.

A Labour spokesperson hit out at ‘false, scaremongering nonsense’ on the eve of polls opening.

It came as: 

  • A series of mega-polls predicted a Labour landslide, but said that with dozens of seats too close to call, a Tory wipeout could still be averted if supporters turn out;
  • A Labour adviser on the economy warned changes to inheritance tax would be ‘on the agenda’ and said pensioners ‘should be taxed at least as hard as those people who are of working age’;
  • Sir Keir said he was ‘taking nothing for granted’ before later changing his tune to declare he was ‘ready for government’ and vowed to ‘hit the ground running’;
  • He added that there were ‘no circumstances’ in which the UK would join the EU’s single market or customs union in his lifetime;
  • Labour’s former deputy leader Harriet Harman was reported to be in the running to take over the equalities watchdog, causing concern among women’s groups.
Rishi Sunak has urged disaffected Tory voters who may at stay at home or vote Reform UK to back the Conservatives once again in a bid to stop Sir Keir Starmer

Rishi Sunak has urged disaffected Tory voters who may at stay at home or vote Reform UK to back the Conservatives once again in a bid to stop Sir Keir Starmer

The PM was pictured at his finaly campaign rally last night alongside his wife Akshata Murty and his parents Usha and Yashvir Sunak

The PM was pictured at his finaly campaign rally last night alongside his wife Akshata Murty and his parents Usha and Yashvir Sunak

Mr Sunak said his experience as a Southampton football fan had taught him ¿that the game isn¿t over until the final whistle goes and that there¿s fight in the underdog¿

Mr Sunak said his experience as a Southampton football fan had taught him ‘that the game isn’t over until the final whistle goes and that there’s fight in the underdog’ 

Mr Sunak was joined by his parents and his wife, Akshata Murty, for his final rally of the election campaign last night.

He stood for a photo with his family after giving a speech at Romsey Rugby Club, north of Southampton where he grew up.

‘This underdog will fight to the final whistle,’ Mr Sunak said during his last speech on the campaign trail.

The PM called on Tory activists to continue campaigning, claiming they had ‘urgent work to do’ to ‘save the UK’ from a Labour government.

Mr Sunak hit the campaign trail in Hampshire at 2pm yesterday, kicking off with a visit to Braishfield Primary School, where Caroline Nokes is the Tory candidate in Romsey and Southampton North.

The PM and Sir Keir have focused their campaigns on very different seats – with Labour targeting ambitious areas which were once considered safe for the Tories.

Mr Sunak has generally stuck to Conservative heartlands – aiming to mitigate the damage on polling day, rather than striving to secure new ground.

Analysis suggests 45 out of 54 seats visited by the Tory leader are Conservative defences, including nine where his party has a notional majority of more than 20,000.

Ahead of his final speech of the campaign, the PM warned Labour could end up in power for ’20 years’ if it wins a supermajority.

Before appearing at Romsey Rugby Club, he told the public: ‘If you vote for anyone other than the Conservatives, you could find yourself with a Labour government not just for five years, but for ten, 15, 20 years.

‘Four years ago, Keir Starmer ran for Labour leader promising to raise income tax on the top 5 per cent of earners, to abolish universal credit, to scrap tuition fees, to nationalise the utility companies, and to defend free movement.

‘Starmer now says he has changed his mind on all these things. But how can you trust someone who changes their mind on so many issues?

‘How do you know that, if it was politically expedient, he wouldn’t just change his mind again on all of these questions?’

Mr Sunak added: ‘His constant U-turns show two things: that he was wrong before. And that he hasn’t even the courage of his own past lack of convictions.’

Mr Sunak has warned that Labour may wind up in power for the next two decades if they land a 'supermajority'

Mr Sunak has warned that Labour may wind up in power for the next two decades if they land a ‘supermajority’

In his own last speech of the election campaign, Sir Keir encouraged voters to ‘imagine a Britain moving forward together with a Labour government’.

The Labour leader was cheered by activists as he spoke at a community centre in Redditch, Worcestershire.

He said: ‘That’s what we are fighting for, let’s continue that fight. If you want change, you have to vote for it.’

As the bookies’ favourite to be the next prime minister, Sir Keir Starmer said he was pleased with Labour’s campaign and his party was ‘ready for what comes next’.

He told reporters on his flight from Scotland to Worcestershire: ‘When I took over as leader of the Labour Party the optimists said it will take 10 years to fix this party and get it back. The pessimists said you are never going to be in government again.

‘We had a three-part strategy, we stuck to it and here we are, the day before the election, in a reasonably good position going into the opening of polls at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.

‘So I’m pleased, I’m confident in the hard work that we have done and we are ready for what comes next if the country puts their trust and confidence in us.’

Reform leader Nigel Farage ended his campaign with a rally at the pier in Clacton, the Essex seat he is hoping to win

Reform leader Nigel Farage ended his campaign with a rally at the pier in Clacton, the Essex seat he is hoping to win

Mr Farage entered the event on an army vehicle to the tune of Without Me by Eminem, before leading supporters in a chant of 'we want our country back'

Mr Farage entered the event on an army vehicle to the tune of Without Me by Eminem, before leading supporters in a chant of ‘we want our country back’

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey drove off in a pink Cadillac convertible with his deputy Daisy Cooper after his last election campaign stop

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey drove off in a pink Cadillac convertible with his deputy Daisy Cooper after his last election campaign stop

Reform leader Nigel Farage ended his campaign with a rally at the pier in Clacton, the Essex seat he is hoping to win.

He entered the event on an army vehicle to the tune of Without Me by Eminem, before leading supporters in a chant of ‘we want our country back’.

Mr Farage’s vehicle drove through the crowds before reversing, narrowly avoiding contact with a woman on a mobility scooter.

His supporters booed when Mr Farage referenced Mr Sunak, referring to him as ‘slippery Rishi’.

He said: ‘He tells you that for low taxes, he tells you therefore reduced immigration, but they promise that in the last four manifestos, so why the hell should we believe them on the fifth?’

Mr Farage sarcastically called Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer ‘one of the great charisma-filled characters of the 21st century’, saying ‘talk about boring, God help us’.

He said today’s general election was the ‘tip of the iceberg’ for Reform, saying: ‘My aim and ambition over the next few years is to turn this into a massive grass roots movement of millions of people.’ 

Mr Farage added: ‘This is the first step of a new political movement, but this is not just about winning seats in Parliament, which we will, it’s about forming an opposition to a Starmer led government with a big majority.

‘The Conservatives can’t do that. They say split, they’re so divided and frankly, I think pretty devoid of talent.’

Ending a campaign that was dominated by headline-catching stunts, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey drove off in a pink Cadillac convertible with his deputy Daisy Cooper after his last election campaign stop.

The Lib Dem leader gave a stump speech at Hammond’s End Farm in Harpenden to the tune of ABBA’s Take A Chance On Me.

Sir Ed said he had enjoyed the campaign, which saw him travel the entire length of the UK, travel 6,000 miles on the Lib Dem’s Yellow Hammer One bus and bungee 160 feet.

But he added: ‘Communities are angry. The water companies have been allowed to pour their filthy sewage into our rivers, lakes and onto our beaches. This has to change. The Conservatives have got to go.’

Don’t surrender your voice… just get out and make your vote count, writes Prime Minister RISHI SUNAK

Your vote counts – 130,000 of you can stop the supermajority that Sir Keir Starmer craves.

Those 130,000 can make clear that you don’t want a massive council tax hike, a pay-per-mile scheme for drivers or to be forced to make expensive Net Zero changes to your home. Deny Starmer that supermajority, and we can stop these things.

So don’t surrender your voice to Labour. Vote Conservative today. We are the only party who will stand up for you.

The Liberal Democrats’ only issue with Starmer is that he doesn’t go far enough when it comes to reversing Brexit, eroding women’s rights and changing who can vote. A vote for them is a vote to bring back free movement, encourage dangerous gender self-identification and bring in a political system where your voice can be ignored.

Reform won’t deny Starmer the supermajority he wants because whether you think it is fair or not, they just won’t win enough seats to oppose Labour.

Their deputy leader has said that it would be great for them to get ‘one, two, three, four, five elected MPs’. Just imagine that: Hundreds and hundreds of Labour MPs opposed by just ‘one, two, three, four, five elected MPs’.

But we can stop this – together we can make the difference.

Ask your friends, ask your neighbours: do they want their family to pay more than £2,000 extra in tax?

Do they want Labour rewriting the rules so they can stay in power for decades? Do they want eco-dogma put ahead of their family finances and our energy security?

If the answer to these questions is no, then they must come out and vote Conservative. Don’t surrender to Labour, get out there and vote.

I love this country. My grandparents came here with very little, yet today I have the honour of serving as your Prime Minister. I will work night and day for you, to deliver a Britain with lower taxes, secure borders and strong defences. I know people are frustrated with me, with our party. But this election will have lasting consequences.

We must deny Labour the supermajority they want, and only a vote for the Conservatives can do that. I know the past few years have been tough but my values are your values: I believe in hard work, aspiration and family. Your vote can stand up for those values not just today, but for the next five years.

I want to cut your taxes, Keir Starmer will raise them – and if he gets that supermajority, he’ll raise them even further. I want to control our borders, Keir Starmer has no plan to deal with illegal migration. I want to strengthen our defences in this more dangerous world, but Keir Starmer won’t match our commitment to raise defence investment to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2030.

A huge number of seats in this election will be decided by a few hundred votes, so what you do will make a big difference.

Your vote can make it more likely that your Conservative candidate is elected so that they can be your voice, represent your values and fight for you and your area. And prevent Labour from rewriting the rules so they can stay in power for decades if they win.

Today, I need your vote to defend our vision of Britain: to back lower taxes, controlled borders and a secure future for our country. Join with us and we can make a difference and stop the socialist supermajority.

Don’t surrender your voice to Labour. Send an MP to Parliament who will stand up for you, your neighbours and your values. Vote Conservative.
